The training system includes all the basic elements required to work professionally and in a highly qualified manner in the protection of public order, the personal integrity of third parties, and control of the territory, both in routine and emergency situations. The aim is to integrate the experience of operators in accordance with modern international standards, guaranteeing an effective response to the latest types of threats to which EU member states and other parts of the world are exposed. At the end of the course the participant personnel will have acquired new methods of resilience, contingency and response in urban environments.
The Armed Forces training system includes advanced techniques in the field of active and passive security operations in order to supply personnel with the additional skills needed to face routine and exceptional security scenarios. The aim is to increase mission success ratios and significantly improve the protection of personnel present in medium and high risk zones, focusing on the acquisition of a flexible mindset rather than static modus operandi.
All training is divided into 4 MODULES:
- Self defence
- Combat
- Operating techniques
- Shot
* Note: The technical methods are adapted according to the tasks, needs, equipment and body belonging of the participants, this information is to be considered as guidelines.
- Theoretical component (foreseen in each method system).
- Management of stress and fatigue, using breathing techniques.
- Risk analysis during combat (containment or suppression of the threat).
- Preparing the equipment to facilitate hand-to-hand combat.
- Managing of the attacker to prevent their confrontation.
- Physical conditioning techniques.
Technical methods (depending on commission and equipment, single/team). 1. Hands-free defense techniques against attackers standing or on the ground. 2. Hands-free defense techniques against attackers with pointed and cut weapons, penetrating or blunt objects and improper weapons. 3. Hands-free defense techniques against aggressors with firearms or improvised weapons. 4. Hands-free defense techniques against the use of common objects and improvised weapons.
B. Combat
Theoretical component (foreseen in each method system). Management of stress and fatigue, using breathing techniques. Risk analysis during combat (containment or suppression of the threat). Preparing the equipment to facilitate hand-to-hand combat. Managing the attacker to prevent their confrontation. Physical conditioning techniques.
Technical methods. 1. Hand –to-hand combat (Melee) with or without personal equipment. 2. Bayonet Fencing or fencing with point or other cut weapons. 3. Use of short and long firearms as self-defense instruments.
Theoretical component (foreseen in each method system). Risk and threat analysis in the planning and operation phase. Study of possible scenarios of intervention based on real cases. Use and preparation of the specific equipment.
Operational techniques (performed erected or lying on the ground, depending on the task and equipment, single/team). 1. Immobilization, search, handcuffing and restraint techniques. 2. Techniques for using specific equipment: tonfa, (police baton), truncheon, tactical torch, pepper-spray, handcuffs etc. 3. Close protection and protection of sensitive targets (training for close protection teams working on foot or on vehicles. 4. Conscious breathing and diving apnea oriented to the training of the tactical breathing, with indoor and outdoor education, to improve the performances in activities with high physical and emotional intensity.
Theoretical component (expected in each method system). Fundamentals on the use of firearms (safety procedures, weapon handling). Analysis of the threat and response (conflict with weapons, counter-terrorism, buildings clear, crowd control etc.). Study and application of safety procedures, alternate shooting positions, weapon retention, equipment.
Technical methods of shooting (techniques according to commission and equipment, single/team). 1. Tactical shooting with handgun/pistol. 2. Tactical shooting with carbine. 3. CQB/CQC with handgun/pistol. 4. CQB/CQC with carbine.